Carmine Di Giandomenico

Carmine Di Giandomenico (Teramo – 1973) is a leading author of contemporary Italian comics, best known as the creator, with Alessandro Bilotta, of the character Giulio Maraviglia, as well as the surprising dystopia La Dottrina (The doctrine). He has collaborated as a storyboard artist for television and film, with directors such as Martin Scorsese and Tsui Hark. In 2004, he made his authorial debut with the 2-part work Oudeis, an original cyber-fantasy reinterpretation of the Homeric character Ulysses.
He has drawn for Marvel (for which he co-created Spider-Man noir), Sergio Bonelli Editore, and DC Comics. His Marvel miniseries with Zeb Wells, Battlin’ Jack Murdock, focusing on the father of the character Daredevil, is considered a small modern classic of comic books.
Besides collaborating with the most prestigious publishing houses, he is a teacher of ‘anatomy in motion’ at the Accademia del Fumetto in Pescara.