The Cyber Security Issue
Editor CNR Edizioni –
In collaboration with IIT-CNR
Edited by Roberto Natalini, Andrea Plazzi
Size 16,8×24,6 cm, 32 pages stapled, colour
Paper version out of print978-88-8080-327-0
Digital edition978-88-8080-328-7 downloadable for free
The Cyber Security Issue
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This is the second chapter in the adventures of Nabbovaldo, or Nabbo to his friends.
In part thanks to the very smart Linda, he is no longer the naive and inexperienced guy he was at first (or at least, no longer inexperienced) and now knows his way around Internetopolis That’s also why he’s happy to host his little cousin Ada, who… but we’re spoiling it!
Much better if you start reading! The characters in this hilarious story are a creation of Gabriele Peddes.