Giuseppe Palumbo

Giuseppe Palumbo (Matera – 1964) began publishing comics in 1986 in the pages of Frigidaire and Cyborg, where he created his most known character, Ramarro, the first masochistic superhero. In 1992 he started working with Sergio Bonelli Editore with stories for Martin Mystére and in 2000 for Diabolik by Astorina. He has worked for numerous Italian and foreign institutions and publishers, including Rizzoli, Comma 22, Kodansha, Palazzo Strozzi in Florence, Lavieri, Feltrinelli, Mondadori, and with magazines and periodicals such as L’Unità, Il Manifesto, Il Sole24Ore and Slowfood Magazine. He has been published in France, Japan, Greece, Spain, Denmark, and Sri Lanka.

His studio Inventario – Invenzioni per l’editoria (Inventions for publishing) has produced illustrations, storyboards, and consultancy work for numerous advertising agencies, school publishers, foundations, and organisations. Since 2006, he has been one of the founding members of the Action30 group, which investigates new forms of racism and fascism: with them, he created a transmedia format of live performance (video, music and comic-strip narration), used at many Italian and foreign festivals.
